Marie Pauline Åhman

Marie Pauline (or Maria Paulina) Åhman, née Landby (1812–1904), was a Swedish harpsichordist. She is known as the first known female musician employed at the Royal Swedish Chapell orhcestra Kungliga Hovkapellet.

She was a student of the harsichordist Pratté 1830–35 and was given a position in the royal chapell in 1850 (permanentely in 1856). Women had been employed in the royal chapell as vocalists since the employment of Sophia Schröder in 1727, but Åhamn is the first known woman to have been employed in the capacity of an instrumentalist; the prior ones had been vocalists. She kept her position until 1881 and was described as very able and dutyful. She retired with a royal pension. She also held public concerts and was in 1870–75 and 1887–91 active as a teacher at the Royal College of Music, Stockholm, were she had several famous students.

See also
